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If you want to find products, or suppliers who produce that product, you can either use our search function or browse by category.
      You can browse the extensive product categories to find whatever you want.
      Use the filters above the listing to refine your browsing.
      If you already know what you are looking for, enter the product name in a search box to start a search.
      The results will include product name, posted date, picture, company name, exhibitor’s symbol or noting, and the icon(s) denoting the membership type(s) of the suppliers.
       Results are sorted by relevance and by GOGO Points.
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       Use the asterisk (*) sign: To broaden your search, use an asterisk (*) at the end of a word or partial word. For example, "stone* would return all postings starting with "stone", such as "stone" or "stonework" or "stone- carving", etc.
       Use quotation marks (" "): For exact results, use quotation marks (e.g., "black marble"). If the results are not satisfactory, try again without quotation marks (e.g., black marble). 



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